The Tale of the 2019’s | Siddhi A.
You can’t live without people!
Or so they say.
You need people for happiness!
Or so they say.
You need fresh veggies everyday!
Or so they say.
You can’t stay inside four walls long!
Or so they say.
When it comes to your life,
What they say doesn’t matter.
I mean at least it shouldn’t, now if you are easily bended by peer pressure what can anyone do? Today we are living in a world where a few Amstrong long virus is world-wide (like Pitbull {*wink emoji}) and have forced us, 1.5 meter long humans to be confined in a place.
This is a humbling moment for all …body builders, big guys, where you at? It’s so interesting no? All our life we’re like- ‘I don’t need anybody’ and all of a sudden a microorganism comes and TICK! A switch is on. We start realising how much we rely in the milkman, the maid and the newspaper boys. And oh!...Two minutes silence for egoistic single men, whose all household chores was done by some Shantibai. I mean aint’it funny? Just imagine with me (some of you don’t need to)…
You are a 23 year old guy with six-eight packs. Morning evening spend in gym. Afternoon, outside hanging out. Never even picked a glass of water, and mommy dear lives in another city. All is good and nice and until one day you find out…everything is in lockdown. ’BAM’. No friends, no maid, no gym and no mummy. {*horror emoji} You panic and panic and panic. For a few days you do nothing, then you try. And you put red pants with whites and everything is pink in the laundry, instant noodles have lost their appeal and there is dust even on your palm.
So guys, somewhere we should be thankful to covid-19, right? No, it may seem so but I am NOT going all psychopath in lockdown, but if you love your life more than anything you’ll find a way to make it work. You’ll learn the laundry, get veggies, cook & clean like nobody’s business, no matter what. Ok so here we come to an end I have yet to do the dishes. After it’s all about survival to the fittest right?